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Thursday 21 June 2007

Save A Fortune On Your Dream Wedding!

Planning a Wedding on a Budget?

Welcome to the home of Wedding Planning on a Budget — The only wedding planner written by a couple who has actually succeeded in planning their dream wedding on a budget of just $2,000.

Authors, Tim and Lisa, offer you their valuable insights and unique approach to wedding planning for the financially strapped bride and groom.

Let Tim and Lisa guide you to your dream come true wedding without going into debt — Your piggy bank will thank you for it!

budget wedding

Tim and Lisa's Dream Come True Wedding

Tim and Lisa are a lovely couple from Fort Wayne, Indiana in the USA. When they met at college and fell in love, they knew they could not afford to spend the nearly $30,000 that is normally spent on an average wedding in America. In fact, they only had $2,000 that they could afford to devote to their wedding budget.

Not deterred, they set out to plan their dream wedding with a wedding budget of just $2,000.

The Book: Wedding Planning on a Budget

The ultimate wedding planner for the couple on a truly tight wedding budget does not ask you to give up on your dream wedding.

This wedding planner does not expect you to skimp on the reception dinner nor does it tell you that the best way to save money is to hold your wedding in your backyard on a Thursday night in October!

A recent review of Tim and Lisa's wedding planner points out that

"This book isn’t your typical budget wedding book. It doesn’t tell you to have your wedding in the off season or on a Friday night."

Another reviewer calls Wedding Planning on a Budget "one of the best wedding planning eBooks on the market."

Find out what makes this wedding planner for the bride and groom planning a wedding on a budget an essential item in the wedding planner's tool belt by Click Here!

wedding planning on a budget - wedding planner

Free Wedding Planner

Our sample wedding planner is the introduction to our full-length wedding planner for the bride and groom on a tight wedding budget.

Although the sample version of our wedding planner does not reveal our secrets to planning a dream come true wedding on a small budget, you will learn more about authors Tim and Lisa and their success in planning their elegant wedding on a wedding budget of just $2,000.

Wedding Planner Blog

Get Tim and Lisa's unique wedding planning advice for the bride and groom following a wedding budget!

On Tim and Lisa's wedding budget blog you will find an extensive pool of helpful resources and advice for the wedding planner on a budget.

This is your chance to receive proven advice from the two foremost authorities on planning a wedding on a budget. Let these wedding planners mentor and guide you as you plan your own budget wedding. Click Here!

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